Pethe Fail Safe Brake Liners

SSS Brothers Company is leading Manufacturers, Suppliers, Providers, Manufacturing Company, Exporters of Brake Lining for Crane Heavy Equipment . Most types of industrial machinery require the use of brakes. They are a crucial safety element that must be maintained and updated as needed. Non-asbestos, semi-metallic, and ceramic friction are the three types of brake lining materials. Non-Asbestos Brake Lining: Non-asbestos is an organic liner that is both ecologically benign and long-lasting. Rubber, glass, different types. A minimal quantity of metal is used in this sort of liner. Non-asbestos linings are not as long-lasting as asbestos linings. This sort of brake emits dust when it is operated, although it is not considered a pollutant.
The semi-metallic brake lining is the second option. In the 1970s, this style of liner was created for the first time. Semi-metallic brakes may be constructed from a number of different metals. Brass, copper, and steel are commonly used. These brake linings are long-lasting, low-cost, and easy to care for.
Friction Brake Lining: The most costly option is the friction brake lining. Friction brake pads are light due to their copper construction. They effectively dissipate heat and reduce metal-to-metal wear. We supply our superior quality products to our valuable clients in Mumbai, in Navi Mumbai, In Thane and All over in India.